Metabolic Health

What You Need to Know About Your Thyroid Health

What You Need to Know About Your Thyroid Health

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located above the Adam’s apple in the neck which produces the thyroid hormone known as “TH”. A Fox News Article in 2013 explains that the thyroid can have a dramatic impact on critical bodily functions as it regulates body temperature, metabolism and heartbeat to name a few.

Liver Detoxification

Liver Detoxification

Your liver is your most important organ of detoxification and continuously processes all forms of substances, from your digestive tract and the rest of your body, throughout the day. It has to deal with all these compounds, some of which are very toxic and others which are beneficial, and decide what to do with them.

Why am I always so exhausted?

Why am I always so exhausted?

Adrenal Fatigue

Today’s busy lifestyles include family obligations, high-stress workloads & technology overload which can lead to stress and exhaustion. Most of us just assume that this is a fact of life when it could very well be adrenal fatigue. Research has proven that sleep disturbances are directly related to increased sensitivity to the arousal-producing stress hormone cortisol which is produced in the adrenal gland.